Tuesday, May 31, 2011

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2. Only one more class until the end of the school year.

This whole year has been an experience, a good experience that is! I have learned a lot and had a lot of experiences that I would otherwise not have been fortunate to have if I hadn't joined this class. I first transferred to this school after having been home schooled and then I transferred to this class after having been in a class which I did not need to be in any more. My first impression was not an impression because I did not know what I was getting into, I had not been well informed as to what the class was about because their are few other classmates that participate in these classes.
But with it all said and done I have enjoyed this class quite a lot and am glad that I was able to experience it, and know what Globaloria is so that I can spread the word so that next year their are still lots of classes. And that's that I guess! See ya next and final class. Oh yea and I uploaded my Vlog today.

Vlog on game presentation.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Today I videoed my Vlog and I am going to upload it soon. The Vlog was good and it brought up some good topics and I think that I gave some good answers as well. Next class I am going to try and work on the game (by myself because my team partner is a senior and is leaving) and I hope to get some stuff accomplished so that more is done when we leave the game looks good.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today I took the final survey. It was good there were some very good questions that I encountered and they really made me thinks twice before I gave an answer. The survey was pretty easy though, now that it is all said and done, and there were no wrong answers so I am sure that did well. They had good questions especially at the end where they asked questions about your future. And my having taken this class raised so new thoughts as to what I want to do in the future. So that's that! This year is almost over which leads to the end of this class and onward to the summer.

Friday, May 20, 2011


So today I worked on getting an image uploaded to represent the game. I also worked some on getting the questions answered for the vlog that we have to do next class, concerning the game presentation and design. Next class we are going to do the final survey and then spend the rest of our time(3-4classes) on the completion of the game.That just about sums it up !!! Its time to finish up!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blog 5-17-11

Today I worked in flash trying to fix up some coding issues and also on our team page, making sure that all of the desired information is present.
Last class we gave our game presentations to our peers in New York and else where. We also presented it some kids here in school and as far as I can tell they liked it quite a bit, as do I. It is almost the end of the school year, which means time to finish up our games and that is exactly what we are doing, trying desperately to finish up of the little problems that we have encountered and then also male it look good. So thats that, we are almost there, to the completion.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Last class

I was so tied up in trying to get the game finished that I didn't get enough time to blog. So here it goes, time to get it on so that it ready to present. I worked the entire period on the game and now it will be presentable on time. All class i worked in flash and online looking up code.

The game is ready to be presented

The game is ready to be presented and we are going to come back a little later so that we have enough time film it before we go home. Then next class we are going to try and tidy up our game so that by the end of the school year we are going to have an awesome, complete game to end the year with. So that's that, time for presentation.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Today as I was stumbling throuh Flash on of our Fellow teachers came in and gave us some serious help in the coding of our game which makes alot more sense and makes it easier to think about doing and makes it look alot more fesiable. Next class I will put the info to use that I learned today.