Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dragging and Dropping

Today i worked on figuring out how to use drag and drop coding in flash and once I had that finalized I started on the long journey of trying to figure out how to make a target work so that when the object recieveing the dragging ends up in the desired location that it will then stay locked in. Next class I will work on finishing up and then applying it to my game.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Draging and droping

That's what I did today , was researched how to do drag and drops with a target and hopefully scoring in the near future. We are getting our game together and are starting into the real crunch time of our game so that we will be able to get our game done in time to submit it for the competition. so yep thats it!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Today I worked in Flash all day on the sound tutorial which took quite a while but it looks very good and works well. I did a car sound and if you click on it several times then you it sounds like a car chase!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Today and Game Demo Blog

Over all I do not think I that I really learned more about the topic while doing, a the Game Demo, although I did learn more about, and thought about, how we are going to be able to make the game work with the limited Flash time and experience that we have (no offence Akantor Killer). Over all I think that the journalist and so have done very well and that at least most information needed was readily available to me, although some times it was less available then convenient or expected.
I believe that I have taken the learning into my own hands by not letting problems drag me down, but taking them on and figuring out what the answer is and then fixing it, while most other kids let I bogg them down until eventually they can no longer do anything. And I will will continue on with this, and I will succeed.     

Today I checked out the Game Demos and bits of games that I could find from other classes and schools in the surrounding area.  I saw several very cool games, or at least game ideas in both, the other class here at GEHS and also at Liberty High. Next class period I will do the Vlog having to do with the Game Demo and then may be do some Flash, and once that is done then I will indulge in five days of spring break.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Team Page and Video Viewing

Today I worked on making our team page look a lot better. I also had the privilege of viewing my and my class mates game demo videos which are all very good. We as a class are making some very good games which are very learn able and easy to understand as well as very fun to play.  Next time I will work more on the game so that we leave ourselves plenty of time to finish our game. So that it is as good as we have imagined it to be.  May our game be AWESOME!!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Game Demo Filming!!

Today my partner and I filmed our Game Demo after finishing a few minor problems related to coding and layer layering. We successfully filmed it are going to upload it as soon as possible and then we will have successfully met our dead like and it is good to because otherwise we probably stay after school and film it. Next class we are going to start on the home run with our game. That should be fun and we will be able to finish it up and contine on our way.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Game Demo and then more Game Demo!!

Today we worked on finishing up the Game Demo and looks pretty good and then will up load it and then do the filming of it shortly. It is very well done and looks good! Today we are also doing a school activity where we walk on the track and are sponsored to raise money for various clubs and organizations around the school.  So that should be fun and a good way to wrap up the day, finishing the game demo and then going for a nice long walk. Oh yeah, and I am starting to get pretty good at Flash!

Blog 4-5-11

Today I worked extensively on our Game Demo and it is starting to come together and is looking very good. Today I worked mostly on adding cool nick nacks to tie it all together and make it less like a boring Demo but have some bling to go along with it.  Well anyway next time I am going to try to finish up the Demo so that we will be ready to go, and be able to complete it in time for the Game Demo dead line.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Flashy Demo!!!!

Get it? Flash, Demo? Well anyway, today was great, I worked in Flash on our game demo while my team partner worked on coding. I, we have made great progress so far and are still making head way every day.
Our game is awesome! And will be for a long time to come. Pretty soon you will be able to see our "flashy" Flash Game Demo.Well anyway have a good weekend. 

Blog 3-30-11

Today I worked a lot in flash and learned how to make things move with the mouse and I also reviewed a cool game.  I looked at a game having to do with the Peace Corps, it showed how to be in the Peace Corps and what you could do in the Peace Corps. Click here to check it out the Peace Corps Game.  The game teaches the player what is available to do in the world in cooperation with the Peace Corps.