Thursday, September 30, 2010

We have come up with a topic!

Today we came up with a topic for Team Geburtstag. It is the world energy crisis, see link below. We are looking at the oil depletion timer, which says that we only have 13834 days left of oil , which is approximately 40 years based on our current oil consumption. Pretty much when it all comes down to it we need to start looking for a good alternative.

world energy clock

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Still exploring

BBC video A Crisis of Civilization by George Alagiah
The video is interesting because it addresses the problems that many people refuse to adress. It adresses the fact that we are running out of Coal, Gas,Oil, and natural resourceses in general.
We are running into lots of obsticles!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Still getting started.

Today I got some more editing done on my profile.I added a whole buch about myself, and how I spend my time. Check it out! I also continued researching on US and world events. I haven't found anything that really catches my eye, but I am still looking. We haven't come up with a team name yet but I believe that we are both thinking about it.
PS: I am glad that it is Friday.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lots of possabilities!!!!

I have formed a team and we are starting to look at the possabilities for a game. We are focus on world events, at the moment we are sort of unsure what the game will be exactly. But we need to get a move on because the dead line is getting nearer.

Monday, September 20, 2010

New to Globaloria

I am new to Globaloria! I am not entirerly sure what exactly I have gotten into but so far all is well. I hope to have a fun time as well as get to know computers more in depth, and be able to make some awesome games.